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текущее время 19:31 29/04/2024

Это старая редакция страницы Библиотека / Основы / S S D / Данные У Третьих Лиц / Государство за 19/03/2009 14:31.

What Can the Government Do?

Что могут сделать власти?

In addition to being able to use wiretaps to intercept your communications while they are being transmitted, the government has a variety of ways of getting (1) records about your communications and (2) the content of communications that you have stored with a third party. In particular, the government can get all of the records that your ISP, phone company, or other communications service providers have on you, and the SMS messages, instant messages, emails or voice-mails you've stored with them. However, unlike regular third-party records discussed above, which can be subpoenaed without any notice to you, the records of your communications providers are given some extra protection by the "Stored Communications Act" portion of the "Electronic Communications Privacy Act", or ECPA.

So what can the government get?

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