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Это старая редакция страницы Библиотека / Основы / S S D / Данные На Диске / Вы / Итог за 08/03/2009 19:40.

Summing Up

If You Don't Keep It, They Can't Get It; If You Do Keep It, Encrypt It!

In a nutshell: if you don't want the government to see it, encrypt it or don't keep it.

Subpoenas are less threatening than search warrants, but pose a much greater risk. Only a good lawyer can help you avoid having to respond to a subpoena, and oftentimes even a good lawyer will fail, and you’ll have to turn the information over or face contempt charges. The best defense against a subpoena is to not have what they are looking for.

Not having what they’re looking for is also your best defense against a search warrant, which is a much higher threat but lower risk. After that your best bet is encryption. You may not be able to stop the government from seizing your computers, but by using encryption you might be able to stop them from searching the data on those computers.

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