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Это старая редакция страницы Библиотека / Основы / S S D / Данные У Третьих Лиц / Вы / Итог за 09/03/2009 12:44.

Summing Up

Whenever you use technology to communicate, you will necessarily leave traces of your activity with third parties like your phone company, your ISP, or your search engine provider. If a third party has it, the government can get it, often under weak legal standards and without any notice to you. So remember:

  • Think before you communicate. Do you really want there to be a record of this?
  • Choose to make a telephone call when you can, rather than using SMS or the Internet, unless your communications are encrypted. Otherwise, there may be a record of the content of your communication on some third party's server or in an archival database.
  • Avoid storing your data with third parties when you can. The records you store with others receive much less legal protection than those you store yourself.
  • Use file encryption[создать] where possible if you do choose to store data with an online service.
  • If you are using email or voicemail, delete the copies stored by your communications provider as soon as you download or listen to them.
  • Learn how to hide your identity online and minimize the information that online services log about you by learning how to configure your browser[создать] and use anonymizing technologies like Tor[создать].

Powerful new communications technologies carry with them powerful risks to the privacy and security of your communications. Learn to defend yourself!

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