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Автор темы: Kent, тема открыта 13/04/2005 00:28 Печать

GPGee – GNU Privacy Guard Explorer Extension

GPGee – расширение оболочки Проводника. Работает с GnuPG. Добавляет в контекстное меню пункты: Подписать, Подписать и зашифровать, Зашифровать.


— Kent (29/04/2005 14:14)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Программа обновилась до версии 0.4


– Verify/decrypt support
– Configurable encrypt-to-self
– Updates to help
– Misc bug fixes
— Kent (12/05/2005 00:17)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Вышла версия GPGee 1.0

Что нового:

  • Quick-select encryption key groups. Encrypt to multiple
    recipients quickly and easily.
  • Visual indication of the trust level of signatures
  • Compares expiry date of keys against the date signatures were
— Kent (23/07/2005 20:46)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Программа обновилась до версии 1.1.1


– Configuration entry added to set the way encryption Key IDs are
displayed for subkeys. Encryption subkeys used to be displayed showing
their subkey key ID. Now the default is to display the key ID of the
parent key. This brings GPGee in line with most other GnuPG front ends.
A configuration entry has been added so that (the very few) people who
prefer the old behavior can still have it.
– The length of time it takes for the sign/encrypt window to appear has
been further reduced for people with very large keyrings.

— Kent (31/07/2005 02:13)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Вышла версия 1.1.2
Исправлены некоторые проблемы с безопасностью. Подробности на сайте.
— Kent (14/09/2005 21:57)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Очередное обновление. Уже версия 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1 of GPGee has now been released and is available at

This is mainly a bugfix release to correct a couple of functional bugs
that appeared shortly after 1.2.0 was released. Bugs fixes include:

– Performing sign+encrypt no longer results in GPGee causing Explorer to
– Change in the URL used for the automatic version check (the previous
URL pointed at an ISP that cached its web pages, causing repeated
notices to "upgrade" to an earlier version).
– Version now only occurs once per day as it was intended.

Additionally, the version checking now compares build numbers rather
than performing a simple string equality check. There should never
again, regardless of ISP problems, be a notice to upgrade to an earlier

There is one added feature for 1.2.1, designed to work with the
multi-key signatures added in 1.2.0. It is now possible to append new
signatures to an existing detached signature. In this way you can have
one person sign a document, give the document and signature to another
person at another maching and that person can add another signature.
— Kent (13/12/2005 20:57)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Обновление до версий 1.2.2 и 1.2.3

This release adds a few minor features, a German language module (though
no German help file yet), and fixes a bug where when performing an
operation on multiple files, your passphrase would be asked for more
than once.

One much requested feature that has finally made it in is the ability
for GPGee to process directories/subdirectories. The other additions are:
– Menu entry for quick symmetrical encryption
– Faster memory manager and a slightly changed processing routine so
that the context menu appears more quickly when many files are

GPGee version 1.2.2 which was just announced has a bug in it, and
version 1.2.3 has been released to correct it. As always, you can obtain
the new version from

The problem with 1.2.2 is that activating the context menu's Configure
command doesn't bring up the configuration window – it actually will
cause some other (non GPGee) command in your context menu to be
— Kent (14/01/2006 15:41)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 437   документов: 30   редакций: 15
Новая версия 1.3.0

The major new feature in this release is support for the OpenPGP
smartcard. There is a whole host of minor changes and bugfixes too
including better directory recursion, .pgp file extension support,
subkey-friendly signing and encryption, and fixes for passphrase caching
where more than one passphrase is asked for in a single operation.

You can read the complete list of changes on the GPGee web page in the
news section. A direct link is:
— SATtva (14/01/2006 17:11)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 11558   документов: 1036   редакций: 4118
subkey-friendly signing and encryption

Действительно ценная возможность. Есть ныне другие GUI с поддержкой подписания подключами?
— Lustermaf (14/01/2006 18:54)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 225   документов: 8   редакций: 2
subkey-friendly signing and encryption

Enigmail тоже умеет подписывать при помощи подключей; шифровать тем более.
— Гость (27/11/2008 07:08)   <#>
Возможно ли настроить GPGee так, чтобы он автоматически присваивал создаваемым файлам расширение *.pgp?
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