Пересмотренные рекомендации Б.Шнайера по комп. безопасности


Ошарашенные пользователи разучивают новые цитаты:

Browsing: Don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer, period.

Don't use Outlook or Outlook Express.

I'm stuck using Microsoft Windows and Office, but I use Opera for Web browsing

:) :) :)

my favorite: Operating systems: If possible, don't use Microsoft Windows. Buy a Macintosh or use Linux. read the whole article to learn how to secure your PC from the pests of the net from the security guru himself.

Here are some security advices from Bruce Schneier, and some of my favorite: If possible, don't use Microsoft Windows. And delete the files "command.com" and "cmd.exe." Look into one of the free office suites as an alternative to Microsoft Offic..

— SATtva (15/12/2004 16:35)   
Скорее, не пересмотренные, а дополненные. ;)

[link1] http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2004/12/safe_personal_c.html

[link2] http://www.pgpru.com/articles/security/schneier_safecomputing.shtml