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текущее время 07:32 03/05/2024
Автор темы: Гость, тема открыта 19/12/2014 19:34 Печать
Категории: хардФорум/ПрактическаяБезопасность/КакСтеретьФайлБезВожмоностиВосстановления

как стереть файл без вожмоности восстановления ?

Собственно вопрос из любопытства. Чистый хдд – создал раздел,закинул немного файлов(заполнил процентов на 10). Удалил раздел. Создал раздел,отформатировал. Затер данные с помощью cipher. Запустил восстановление файлов – некоторые файлы нашел даже неповрежденными. Как полностью переписанная информация сохранилась? И реально ли вообще чем то стереть данные программно ? :)

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— cypherpunks (24/09/2015 19:16)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 300   документов: 33   редакций: 12
in its attempt to destroy information, GCHQ also revealed intriguing details about what it did and why.

GCHQ wanted The Guardian to completely destroy every possible bit of information the news outlet might retain; and second, that GCHQ’s instructions may have inadvertently revealed all the locations in your computer where information may be covertly stored.

The Guardian’s video reveals editors using angle-grinders, revolving drills, masks that GCHQ ordered them to buy, and a “degausser,” an expensive piece of equipment provided by GCHQ, which destroys magnetic fields and thereby erases data. The procedure eliminated practically every chip in the device, leaving almost no recognizable piece of machinery behind. The whole process lasted over three hours.

“Normally people just destroy the hard drive,” said Al-Bassam. But GCHQ took it several steps further. The spy agency instructed Guardian editors to destroy parts of multiple MacBook Airs’ track pad controllers, power controllers, keyboards, CPUs, inverting converters, USB drives, and more.

The sanitization policies of the other members of the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance — the U.S., New Zealand, Canada and Australia — are public, and appeared to have very similar requirements to the techniques used to destroy The Guardian’s computers.

the government may have targeted parts of the Apple devices that it “doesn’t trust”: pieces that can retain bits of electronic information even after the hard drive is obliterated.

The track pad controller, they said, can hold up to 2 megabits of memory. All the different “chips” in your computer — from the part that controls the device’s power to the chips in the keyboard — also have the capacity to store information, like passwords and keys to other data, which can be uploaded through firmware updates. According to the public documents from other members of Five Eyes, it is incredibly difficult to completely sanitize a device of all its content. fileNew Zealand’s data deletion policies state that USB memory is only destroyed when the dust is just a few millimeters in length.

To Tynan and Al-Bassam, the methods GCHQ used revealed just how little control we have over our data, and how difficult it is to permanently delete it when necessary. When the pair asked various companies, including Dell and HP, how different parts of the devices are designed to store information and which chips “could potentially betray us,” none were willing to reveal any specifics publicly, they said. When a member of the audience asked Tynan what laptop he’d recommend for journalists and activists who rely on privacy and control of their data, he didn’t have an answer.

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