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Автор темы: Гость, тема открыта 13/01/2005 16:05 ПечатьФорум/PGPdiskWholeDisk/PGPDisk803Win2000Container100GBreadFailed

PGP Disk 8.03 + Win2000 + Container >= 100GB (read failed

Hi everyone, sorry for writing english – my russian is not good enough to write.

I have this problem:

I try to make a container > 100GB with PGPdisk and get the message:

PGPdisk mount operation not possible: "write failed".

When i try to make a container of 99GB or less it works!

Who knows why?

Thanks in advance

— SATtva (13/01/2005 16:29)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 11558   документов: 1036   редакций: 4118
100Gb? My Lord! Could you please answer a couple of questions?
[list=1:bbe4ae8be3][*:bbe4ae8be3]What filesystem type (i.e. FAT32, NTSF) are you choosing for PGPdisk container?
[*:bbe4ae8be3]What is the filesystem type of your hard disk partition?[/list:o:bbe4ae8be3]
And my I ask, what is the purpose of such an enormous size for single PGPdisk? Maybe it would be better to simply create several PGPdisks that can accomodate all your needs?
— Гость (13/01/2005 16:32)   <#>
1) PGPdisk is becoming NTFS
2) NTFS also

funny, i installed PGP.8.03 on a WinXP box and everything works fine there ...

— SATtva (13/01/2005 16:42)   профиль/связь   <#>
комментариев: 11558   документов: 1036   редакций: 4118
Could be some OS limitations on file access in win2k. If you need to encrypt your whole disk partition (with the exclusion of boot partition), consider using TrueCrypt.
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