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Автор темы: paranoid ant, тема открыта 04/08/2006 12:12 ПечатьФорум/АнонимностьВИнтернет/НоваяСтабильнаяВерсияTor01123

Новая стабильная версия Tor

30 июля 2006 года вышла новая стабильная версия Tor

Исправлен код отвечающий за проверку доступности серверов, найдено неcколько ошибок приводящих к аварийному завершению (crash bugs) клиента и сервера.

Всем пользователям рекомендуется обновить свою версию Tor.

Оригинальный анонс:
Tor fixes more bugs in server reachability testing, a few more
crash bugs, and an important client-side bug.

Both clients and servers are strongly encouraged to upgrade.

Changes in version – 2006-07-30
o Major bugfixes:

– Fast Tor servers, especially exit nodes, were triggering asserts
due to a bug in handling the list of pending DNS resolves. Some
bugs still remain here; we're hunting them.

– Entry guards could crash clients by sending unexpected input.
– More fixes on reachability testing: if you find yourself reachable,

then don't ever make any client requests (so you stop predicting
circuits), then hup or have your clock jump, then later your IP
changes, you won't think circuits are working, so you won't try to
test reachability, so you won't publish.

o Minor bugfixes:

– Avoid a crash if the controller does a resetconf firewallports
and then a setconf fascistfirewall=1.

– Avoid an integer underflow when the dir authority decides whether

a router is stable: we might wrongly label it stable, and compute
a slightly wrong median stability, when a descriptor is published
later than now.

– Fix a place where we might trigger an assert if we can't build our

own server descriptor yet.

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