Использованные материалы

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6. Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, and Adi Shamir. A practical-time attack
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8. Jovan Golic. Cryptanalysis of Al leged A5 Stream Cipher, page 23955. 1997.
9. Elad Barkan and Eli Biham. Conditional Estimators: An Effective Attack on A5/1, page 119. 2005.
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17. Erguler, Imran, Anarim, and Emin. A new cryptanalytic time-memory trade-off for stream ciphers. In Computer and Information Sciences – ISCIS 2005, volume 3733 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 215­223. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005.
18. Jin Hong, Kyung Jeong, Eun Kwon, In-Sok Lee, and Daegun Ma. Variants of the
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Назад[link6] | Оглавление[link7]

[link1] http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/mar/03/mobile-phones1

[link2] https://svn.berlin.ccc.de/projects/airprobe/wiki/tracelog

[link3] http://www.global-security-solutions.com/GSAudioSurv.html

[link4] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8955054591690672567

[link5] http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/attachments/1519_26C3.Karsten.Nohl.GSM.pdf

[link6] https://www.pgpru.com/biblioteka/statji/eavesdroppingongsm/references

[link7] https://www.pgpru.com/biblioteka/statji/eavesdroppingongsm