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Владельца нет (создано 06/02/2008 11:02), редакция от 06/02/2008 11:02 (автор: Гость) Печать
Категории: криптография, софт, truecryptНовости/2008/ВышелTrueCrypt50

06.02 // Вышел TrueCrypt 5.0

New features:

Ability to encrypt a system partition/drive (i.e. a partition/drive where Windows is installed) with pre-boot authentication. (Windows Vista/XP/2003)

Pipelined operations increasing read/write speed by up to 100% (Windows)

Mac OS X version

Graphical user interface for the Linux version of TrueCrypt

XTS mode of operation, which was designed by Phillip Rogaway in 2003 and which was recently approved as the IEEE 1619 standard for cryptographic protection of data on block-oriented storage devices. XTS is faster and more secure than LRW mode (for more information on XTS mode, see the section Modes of Operation in the documentation).

SHA-512 hash algorithm (replacing SHA-1, which is no longer available when creating new volumes).


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