
GPGshell – графическая оболочка для GnuPG (Windows).

Вышла новая версия 3.10[link1][link2] – русский инсталлятор.

Что нового:

– Added "+" icon to key-selection dialogs with additional right-click command-line options
– Added "Symmetrical" and "SFX" options to "Encrypt and Sign" key-selection dialog
– Added command-line parameter /encoded-mailto to replace " " with "%20" in mailto: URLs
– Added the possibility to create encrypted messages/files, which can be decrypted with either a passphrase or a secret key (requires GnuPG >= v1.3.4)
– Added the possibility to decrypt/verify multiple files with "--decrypt-files", when selected in file-selection dialogs or dropped
– Changed the key-strokes to delete "Lists" and "Option-sets" from [DEL]+Click to [Ctrl resp. Strg]+Click
– Code changes to convert "--" date-formats to localized date-formats in GUI-output window
– Code changes to decrypt files/messages which are encrypted with a passphrase (symmetric) and a secret key
– Code changes to keep multiple outputs in GUI-output window as long as the window stays open
– Code improvements (PATH-searching, some additional translated strings on key-list windows, ect.)
– Added "Defaults" buttons for Key-server entries
– Added "Invert Selection" item to "View" menu
– Added "Select All" item to "View" menu
– Added "Unselect All" item to "View" menu
– Added more information to "Environment Information"
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Added BZIP2 (when available) to "[compress-algo]" dropdown-box (be careful, this algorithm may be just read-only in your GnuPG binary)
– - Code changes to display just the available algorithms in "[cipher-algo]" and "[digest-algo]" dropdown-boxes
– Preferences/GPGshell...:
– - Added "Small Toolbar" option for GPGtools
– - Added "Remove Titlebar" option for GPGtools (use Mouse with [Ctrl] to move the window)
– - Added "No Taskbar entry" option for GPGtools
– Removed the TrayIcon's mouse-move code
– Code changes for getting UNC-paths in network-environments

— paranoid ant (12/03/2004 13:36)   
У меня что-то не получается подружить PGP 8 и GnuPG, PGP не хочет рашифровывать файл.
— SATtva (12/03/2004 14:43)   
paranoid ant, что значит не хочет? Подробнее: с какими опциями был зашифрован файл, какую ошибку выдаёт PGP?
— paranoid ant (12/03/2004 19:38)   
попытка воспроизвести ошибку не удалась
gnupg 1.2.4/enigmail 0.8.3/thunderburd 0.5 — с всё работает !
— paranoid ant (12/03/2004 19:43)   
я чтото не понял, а зачем вообще нужен этот gpgshell ?
всё равно на любое действие он запускает внешний gpg.exe, создается впечатление что это поделка для маразматиков постоянно забывающих ключи ком. строки и не более
— Kent (13/03/2004 12:56)   
paranoid ant, графическая оболочка, IMHO, удобнее и нагляднее командной строки. Пункт GPGshell в контекстном меню тоже нелишний.
— paranoid ant (13/03/2004 22:17)   
Kent, "IMHO" очень уместно ;-)

С одной стороны написано SHELL что наводит на мысль о наличие командной строки – и она есть !
но с другой стороны это всё таки для любителей GUI, а значит gpg можно было и в пакетном режиме запускать
— Kent (14/03/2004 06:51)   
Хочу заметить, что авторы GnuPG, написали-таки графическую оболочку под Линукс.
С чего бы это ? ;)
— paranoid ant (15/03/2004 10:56)   
Kent, Мне кстати тоже интересно ... и насколько я знаю оболочкИ написаны не авторами GnuPG
— paranoid ant (15/03/2004 11:28)   
Я тут посмотрел на WinPK, там всё правильно сделано не знаю как эта GUI-я работает (не использую).
только в той версии что дают на их сайте, содержится gpg 1.2.1 (собственная сборка)
— Kent (16/03/2004 00:17)   
[quote:5ecb6c1ac9="paranoid ant"]Kent и насколько я знаю оболочкИ написаны не авторами GnuPG
Ну как же?

GPA (the GNU Privacy Assistant) is a graphical frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard.


Markus Gerwinski <>
Designed GPA and GPAPA, implemented GPA.

Peter Gerwinski <>
Implemented GPAPA; did changes everywhere in GPA.

Peter Neuhaus <>
German translation.

Werner Koch <>
Glued everything together, fixes here and there, W32 porting,
about dialog.

и другие.

Но, вообще-то это уже не по теме.
— Kent (09/05/2004 19:59)   
Вышло обновление GPGshell, версия 3.11

Changes: 3.11 (08.05.2004)

– Fixed a crash when GPGkeys' "Signatures" or "PGP Packets" output is too large (Win9x systems only)
– Fixed a problem when decrypting/verifying files in folders with different user-rights in the directory-tree (WinNT systems only)

Скачать: (286 кб)
Гость (09/06/2004 04:52)   
Вышел уже апдейт GPGshell до версии 3.12

Кстати, такой вопрос.
Насколько я понял, исходники GPGshell не предоставляются для ознакомления, в отличие от WinPT.
Очевидно это должно вызывать недоверие криптографического сообщества к этому продукту...

Кстати. Пароли же кэшируются средствами оболочки (GPGshell или WinPT), если не ошибаюсь?
Можно ли из этого сделать какие-то неутешительные выводы?
Как минимум сильное упрощение похищения кэшированного пароля?
— Kent (09/06/2004 06:52)   
Спасибо за новость.

Насчёт недоверия. Видимо, можно недоверять. Личное дело каждого.
Это же касается кэширования паролей. Программа предупреждает под красным значком: "Please consider, that storing the passfphase decreases your security". Вам решать, использовать эту возможность или нет.
— blitz (15/06/2004 14:29)   
Насколько я понял, исходники GPGshell не предоставляются для ознакомления, в отличие от WinPT.

написана прога на великом и могучем Basic`е
и вроде по условиям лицензии действительно исходники не могут распространятся
и здесь MS приложил свою руку :)
— Ghola (18/06/2004 23:39)   
У-у-.. как всё запущено.
Два раза "фи" – на Бейсик и на закрытые исходники.

Значит, альтернативы WinPT на Win32 практически нет...
Гость (29/06/2004 01:08)   
На мой взгляд, на текущий момент GPGshell – лучшая оболочка для GPG под Windows любой версии.
Visual Basic – это полноценная среда разработки, по возможностям сравнимая, например, с Visual C или Delphi.
Кеширование паролей по умолчанию выключено.

А насчет недоверия – это точно, личное дело каждого. Только хотелось бы отметить, что,
во-первых, весь ввод и вывод происходит по умолчанию в консольном окне GPG (GPGshell к нему никакого отношения не имеет),
во-вторых, я довольно тесно работал с автором над последними версиями GPGshell, он строго относится к безопасности, и у меня сложилось приятное впечатление от общения.
Вопрос с доверием к GPGshell я для себя решил, остался Windows :)

Сейчас идет тестирование RC версии 3.20. Скорее всего, она будет выпущена после выхода релиза GnuPG 1.2.5.
Наиболее интересные изменения в 3.20:

– Выделение цветом некоторых ключей (pairs/invalid/untrusted);
– Быстрый поиск ключа в большой связке;
– Опция "Очистить пароль при запуске хранителя экрана";
– Добавлены иконки в контекстное меню файлов (shell-extension) и GPGtray;
– Новая команда для .asc/.gpg/.pgp/.sig файлов: "PGP Packets" (shell-extension);
и т. д.
— Kent (29/06/2004 06:38)   
[quote:f5be9d4578="Ivan Vanyushkin"]На мой взгляд, на текущий момент GPGshell – лучшая оболочка для GPG под Windows любой версии.
Согласен с вами. К сожалению, у автора GnuPG Вернера Коха другое мнение:

"Don't known gpgshell but all is probably the best choice for a Windows based key management (and more) tool."
— Kent (20/07/2004 00:18)   
Есть информация о выходе GPGshell 3.20:

Но скачать файл что-то не получается. На ftp-зеркалах Simtel его нет.
— Kent (22/07/2004 22:37)   
Прямая ссылка на GPGshell v3.20
— Kent (28/07/2004 21:13)   
Вышла версия GPGshell v3.21[link3]


  • 3.21 (26.07.2004)
– Added tooltip-moving with mouse and [Ctrl]
– Code changes to use "list-config --with-colons" instead of "version" to get the version information and available algorithms
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Added "[max-output]" option
– - Changed "[charset]" to "[display-charset]"
– - Changed "[default-cert-check-level]" to "[default-cert-level]"
— Kent (05/09/2004 15:27)   
Вышла версия GPGshell v3.22


* 3.22 (30.08.2004)
– Code changes to mark (S-icon) and grey-out sign-only keys when encrypting
– Fixed a path-not-found error when the PATH environment-variable contains more than one unavailable folder
– Added dropdown-boxes with a placeholder for a "GnuPG" directory in the user's "Application Data" folder, for those who cannot browse to this folder because it is hidden (system-setting)
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Removed "[escape-from-lines]" option, because this is the default
— Kent (13/09/2004 23:14)   
Вышла версия GPGshell v3.23[link4]


  • 3.23 (09.09.2004)
– Disabled column reordering in key-list for XP systems, when the version of mscomctl.ocx matches v6.1.97.82 (GPGkeys will crash while reordering the columns).
– Code changes to the HotKey function to get it working on Windows NT
— Kent (17/11/2004 02:25)   
GPGshell v3.24

*3.24 (15.11.2004)
– Code improvements (removed the reference to oleaut32.dll, ect.).
– Fixed a read-only error when closing the "Preferences – Key-servers" window after changing a key-server string.
– Fixed a missing toolbar-update when closing the "Preferences GPGshell" window.
– Fixed the display of a possibly wrong Key-ID when multiple windows with key-details are open.
— Kent (14/12/2004 14:15)   
GPGshell v3.30


3.30 (08.12.2004)
– Added a warning for outdated GnuPG versions.
– Code changes to get the command-interpreter even if %COMSPEC% is empty for some reason.
– Code changes to use the *.lng-files for the application language without copying them to the GPGshell-HomeDir.
– Code improvements (keep text-selections when losing focus, SFX-archive code, "Recent Files" code in "View/Edit Clipboard" window, some menus reordered, ect.).
– Updated InnoSetup to v4
– Added "gpgkeys_finger.exe" to the install-routine.
– Added a right-click menu with "Fingerprint" item to "Sub Keys" window.
– Added the number of subkeys and user-IDs to the tab-captions.
– Code changes to allow double-clicking anywhere on the form to scroll to the default key (if set in gpg.conf).
– Code changes to enable copying the "Capability" string in "Fingerprint" window.
– Code changes to have the key-server dropdown-box editable.
– Changed the toolbar-icon colors to greyscale when toolbar is flat (still colored on mouse-over).
– Added command-line parameter /no-greyscale to display the old colored toolbar-icons when toolbar is flat.
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Added "[openpgp]" option and reordered the PGP-compatibility options.
– - Added "[ask-cert-level]", "[keyid-format]" and "[sig-keyserver-url]" options (invisible for GnuPG v1.2.x).
– - Added an interface for "[keyserver-options]" (partly invisible depending on GnuPG version).
– - Added the possibility to create a basic options-file when the user does not already have one.
– - Code changes to handle option-values (like e.g. SHA1) case-independent.
– - Code changes to load only the allowed algos into the *-algo dropdown-boxes for the [pgp6], [pgp7] and [pgp8] options.
– Added a text-box to the file-sum window to paste the original file-sum for comparison.
– Added "Open selection as Link" item to "Text" menu and "PGP Packets" item to "GnuPG" menu in "View/Edit Clipboard" window.
– Changed the paste-back fix command-line parameters for Pegasus v4.0x from /pegv4-fix-?? To /pegv40-fix-??.
– Code changes to ask for saving changes in "View/Edit Clipboard" window.
— Kent (24/03/2005 19:22)   
GPGshell v3.40


  • 3.40 (17.03.2005)
– Added a "GnuPG v1.2.x" check-box to enable the "MoDir" and "Install" possibilities for GnuPG v1.2.x and v1.4.0. Do not use them for GnuPG > v1.4.0, use the official GnuPG-installer.
– Added the possibility to change the translation for GnuPG v1.4.1, when the necessary Registry-keys were set by the official GnuPG-installer.
– Added .7z and .ace to the archive-types which can be opened after decrypting and changed .jar to .j.
– Added a CAPS-indicator to passphrase-window.
– Added a right-click menu with "Delete", "Sign" and "Sign (local)" items to key-selection dialogs.
– Changes for the new GnuPG v1.4.1 HomeDir-logic. If GPGshell fails to get it, set the HomeDir in HKCU\Software\GNU\GnuPG like always.
– Changes to copy the short Key-ID to the Clipboard, when the user clicks the top 0x???? Item in key-selection right-click menus.
– Changes to enter the passphrase into the passphrase window when "Hide when possible" is checked, without the requirement to store it also.
– Changes to keep selections in key-selection dialogs when signing or checking/unchecking the "Show all User IDs" checkbox.
– Changes to switch back to the formerly used options-set after encrypting/signing when it was changed from the key-selection dialogs.
– Changes to use a different file-manager by placing a corresponding "_explore(.lnk)"-shortcut in the GPGshell-HomeDir.
– Changes to use a possible "_url-http(.lnk)"-shortcut also for opening the GPGshell documentation.
– Code improvements (key-server menus and dropdown-boxes in GPGkeys, always keep key-selections when possible, GPGconfig, fixes for the Korean language, error-messages, etc.).
– Added/changed right-click menus in "Sub Keys" and "User IDs" windows.
– Added "From all servers" resp. "To all servers" menu-items to key-server menus.
– Added a "Card" menu with some basic OpenPGP-Card commands (invisible for GnuPG v1.2.x).
– Added the possibility to export all secret keys after exporting all public keys.
– Changes to import ownertrust also with drag and drop.
– Changes to show also the output of "Import Ownertrust" in GUI when "Show output of ... in GUI" is checked.
– Moved "Visit Key-server" to "Key(s)" menu.
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Added "[trustdb-name]" option.
– Preferences/GPGshell...:
– - Added "Hide when ..." options for exporting/importing ownertrust.
– - Added the possibility to set additional PGPdump parameters.
– - Changed the default for the "Don't close DOS-Windows" option to OFF.
– - Changed the default for the "Show output of Decrypt/Verify/Import in GUI" option to ON.
– - Changed the defaults for most of the "Hide when ..." options to ON for NT-systems.
– Changes to allow using the command-line parameters /decrypt, /verify and /import without giving a file. The file-selection dialog "Decrypt/Verify/Import" will be opened.
– Changes to skip the text-selection when using the HotKeys together with the Space-bar (already selected text will be used).
– Changes to wrap text also at hyphens (not just at spaces).
— Kent (27/04/2005 22:56)   
GPGshell v3.42

Незначительные изменения:

3.42 (20.04.2005)
– Added a "GPGconfig" item to all "Launch" menus.
– Changes to let the "<no list selection>" dropdown-box entry in key-selection dialogs really do something.
– Changes to use only a single extension for SFX-archives to try to avoid complaints of virus-scanners.
– Updated the Info-ZIP applications to v2.31/v5.52.
– Fixed a bug which caused a crash when all key-server entries were deleted.
– Added support for drag and drop into the "View/Edit Clipboard" window.

Прямая ссылка:[link5]
— Kent (03/07/2005 02:21)   
GPGshell v3.45


3.45 (27.06.2005)
– Added the possibility to delete single key-ring backups with [Ctrl resp. Strg]+Click on GPGkeys' "Available Backups" items.
– Moved the icons for file-associations into GPGtools.exe.
– The shfolder.dll-installer for Windows 95/98/NT4 will not be included in the installer anymore (to make it smaller).

3.44 (26.05.2005)
– Fixed a bug which caused that no HKLM Registry-values could be read with restricted user-rights (Windows NT only).

3.43 (21.05.2005)
– Added "Backup Key-rings on changes" (default OFF) and "Available Backups" items to GPGkeys' "Help" menu, to create backup-archives of the default key-rings in <GnuPG-HomeDir>\_backups when their file-dates change (archive-date is newest file-date).
– Added the possibility to strictly verify any file (also without *.asc/*.sig-extension) with the shell-extension's "More/Verify" menu-item.
– Changes to use a different text-editor by placing a corresponding "_edit(.lnk)"-shortcut in the GPGshell-HomeDir.
– Changes to use Info-ZIP's zip32.dll instead of zip.exe and unzip.exe to build SFX-archives.
– Code improvements (VB5 related, etc.).
— Lustermaf (09/09/2005 21:43)   
Как её приучить работать с юникодом? Я набираю текст в GPGtray Clipboard, например:
тест é

После ClearSign он превращается в (исключая подпись):
тест ?

В самóм GPGtray Clipboard юникодовые символы вводить не получается (например, ять, фиту и т. д.).
Если делать операции через Current Window ( редактор — EmEditor, стоит кодировка UTF-8 ), то вообще кракозяблики получаются.

System codepage — Windows-1251
GnuPG 1.4.2
GPGshell 3.45


Enigmail 0.92 работает с юникодом нормально...
— Kent (20/09/2005 21:56)   
Программа обновилась до версии 3.46

Изменения незначительные:

3.46 (10.09.2005)
– Added the possibility to use an external viewer for displaying decrypted text.
– Changes to disable GPGtray's HotKeys and Tray-menu when the file-selection window for encrypting/signing/decrypting is visible.
– Fixed a bug which caused that GPGkeys' "Backup Key-rings on changes" menu-item could not be checked/unchecked.
– Minor changes for the Pegasus v4.x paste-back fix command-line parameters.
– Some more changes for opening GnuPG-exported files on asian OSs.
— smogwave (24/09/2005 19:25)   
Есть ли еще какие либо достойные GUI для GPG
кроме gpgshell и winpt
winpt у меня постоянно глучит, то и дело выдавая всяческие ошибки
а gpgshell исходники не открыты и меня это настораживает
— Kent (25/09/2005 12:35)   
Всё что есть, фигурирует в этом разделе форума.
Думаю, что достойнее нет.
Гость (19/11/2005 19:25)   
Программа обновилась до версии 3.47

Changes -

– Changes to use the detected GnuPG version-information (v1.2.x/v1.4.x) for handling a second
comment-line from Preferences/GnuPG...
– Fixed some command-line length problems on Win9x systems.
– Preferences/GnuPG...:
– - Added a tooltip to the [keyserver-options]-label, which shows the whole text when it con-
tains more than 70 chars.
– - Fixed a runtime-error when openpgp or pgp2 was set together with a cipher-, digest- or
compress-algo in the options-file.
Гость (03/01/2006 15:08)   
Вышла GPGShell 3.47 на подходе 3.50rc1
— Kent (28/01/2006 23:08)   
Вышла версия GPGshell 3.50

  • 3.50 (27.01.2006)
– Added "Hide Recipients" checkbox to key-selection dialogs when encrypting (GnuPG v1.4.x only).
– Added the possibility to read/write all GPGshell settings from/to <GPGshell-AppDir>\GPGshell.ini (executing Reg2Ini.exe or creating an empty GPGshell.ini will enable this feature).
– Added the possibility to set %GNUPGHOME% from within GPGshell with a "GNUPGHOME="-setting in the [Advanced] section of "HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\GPGshell" or GPGshell.ini (GnuPG >= v1.4.1 only).
– Added the Swedish translation.
– Added tooltips to User IDs in ListViews.
– Changes to accept and expand environment-variables and relative paths (below <GPGshell-AppDir>) in the settings for the <GPGshell-HomeDir> and in the [Advanced] settings section for "Ext_StartCommand", "Ext_StopCommand", "GNUPGHOME".
– Changes to place "set PATH=<GPGshell-AppDir>;%PATH%" automatically in front of all gpg.exe command-lines.
– Changes to skip clearing existing selections when the Shift-key is pressed while choosing a list from a dropdown-box or menu.
– Changed the quick-access keys (Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click) for deleting/editing batches, lists, etc.
– Code improvements (key-detail ListViews in GPGkeys, CrLf-handling in GPGtray, additional input for GPGkeys' CLI-menu batches, etc.).
– Added a toolbar right-click menu with "Customize Toolbar" item (the "Command Line" button cannot be removed).
– Added the possibility to toggle between displaying the key-ring sizes and dates by clicking the StatusBar Panels.
– Changes to avoid duplicated entries from batches with the same name in the <GPGshell-AppDir> and <GPGshell-HomeDir> "_batches" folders. Batches from <GPGshell-HomeDir>\_batches have priority.
– Changes to enable the "OK" button when no keys are listed in key-selection dialog but "Symmetric" is checked.
– Fixed a file-access error when importing multiple keys one after the other without answering the import yes/no prompts (visible running import-batch only).
– Changes to replace all Lf with CrLf before wrapping text (when clear-signing or manually from within the "View/Edit Clipboard" window).
— Kent (27/03/2006 00:12)   
Вышла версия GPGshell 3.51

  • 3.51 (21.03.2006) – ! This version requires GnuPG v1.4.2.2 or later !
– Added "Number of key-ring backups:" option to Preferences/GPGshell...
– Added the Finnish translation.
– Added the command-line parameter "/pegv41-fix-fr" to apply the paste-back fix also to the new french version of Pegasus Mail.
– Changes to execute "Ext_StartCommand" before searching the GPGshell-HomeDir.
– Changes to set the working-dir to <GPGshell-AppDir> before running "Ext_StopCommand" and "Ext_StartCommand".
– Changes to start GPGkeys when the Shift-key is pressed while double-clicking GPGtray's TrayIcon.
– Removed all GnuPG v1.2.x-specific code and changed the requirement to v1.4.2.2 or later, because of vulnerabilities in the earlier versions: (1) (2).
– Code improvements (backups, more drag an drop, etc.).
— Kent (15/07/2006 23:48)   
Программа обновилась до версии 3.52

3.52 (06.07.2006)
– Added a right-click menu with "Change Font" item to all output windows (right-click on form beside buttons).
– Added digest-algo 11 (SHA224) to the list of possible hashes.
– Added the trust-values of non-primary UIDs to GPGkeys' key-details window.
– Changes to recognize an already set "armor" option in the options file although the key-selection dialog will be skipped.
– Fixed a file-access error when searching for gpg.exe or pgpdump.exe on Floppy or CD-ROM.
— Kent (11/02/2007 15:41)   
Вышла версия 3.60

  • 3.60 (10.02.2007) – ! This version requires GnuPG v1.4.6 or later !
– Added "--recipient ???" item to "+" menu in key-selection dialogs when encrypting.
– Added a simple keyboard to passphrase dialog (additional chars can be added).
– Added the possibility to enter the passphrase from within the menus of GPGtools and GPGtray (menu-item caption toggles between "Enter Passphrase" and "Clear Passphrase"). Use [Shift]+Click to change a passphrase.
– Added the possibility to change the file-type icons in Explorer with a GPGshell.icl (see Usage:).
– Changed GPGkeys' "Edit" menu-item to a menu with corresponding items (removed some batches).
– Changes to add the first part of the current Clipboard-text to GPGtray's tooltip when encrypting/signing.
– Changes to avoid calculated negative Height-/Width-values for some windows.
– Changes to avoid complaints about missing key-rings when decrypting SFXs on systems without GnuPG.
– Changes to show the address of the "unusable recipient" when encryption fails.
– Changes to go back to the key-selection or passphrase dialog after displaying a "Missing passphrase!", "Wrong passphrase!", "Unusable recipient!" error.
– Changes to make sure that the TrayIcon-timer is disabled until the main-form is loaded.
– Changes to let the red MDC/SIG-lights in GUI-output (and file-sums) window blink.
– Changes to set the photo-viewer option (GPGview) in Preferences/GnuPG... with a relative path, when gpg.exe is in <GPGshell-AppDir>.
– Code improvements (Menu-key support, unload-events, window-positions, etc.).
— Kent (09/03/2007 16:51, исправлен 09/03/2007 16:52)   
Обновление. Версия 3.61


  • 3.61 (08.03.2007) – ! This version requires GnuPG v1.4.7 or later !
– Added "[enable-dsa2]" and "[no-force-v3-sigs]" options to Preferences/GnuPG...
– Added "[honor-pka-record]" option to Preferences/GnuPG.../Key-server options
– Added the possibility to set %LANGUAGE% from within GPGshell with a "LANGUAGE"-setting in the [Advanced] section of "HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\GPGshell" or GPGshell.ini (GnuPG >= v1.4.7 only).
— Kent (27/06/2007 20:30)   
Версия 3.62


  • 3.62 (22.06.2007) – ! Requires GnuPG v1.4.7 or later !
– Added "Buttons" item to "View" menu.
– Added "Reload Keys" item to "File" menu.
– Changes to exclude expired, invalid and revoked secret keys from the [default-key] and [encrypt-to] drop-down lists in Preferences\GnuPG...
– Changes to keep the main GPGtools window invisible when a DOS-window was shown (when executed from within Explorer).
– Minor code improvements (default-button in key-selection dialogs, visibility of "enable-dsa2"- and "no-force-v3-sigs"-labels, etc.).
— Kent (27/07/2007 23:44, исправлен 27/07/2007 23:46)   
Версия 3.63


  • 3.63 (25.07.2007) – ! Requires GnuPG v1.4.7 or later !
– Changes to avoid cutting off the passphrase dialog's bottom
part on themed XP-systems.
– Fixed a bug which could cause problems for the HotKeys and the
"Current Window"-feature on XP-systems with IE7 installed.




