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Это старая редакция страницы Библиотека / Основы / S S D / Данные В Передаче / Вы / Итог за 08/03/2009 19:59.

Summing Up

What You Need to Know

Due to a combination of legal and technical factors, face-to-face conversations and conversations using landline telephones are more secure against government wiretapping than cell phone or Internet communications. Cell phone conversations are more vulnerable both technically and legally, while SMS text messaging appears for now to be very insecure both technically and legally. Cell phones also create the risk of location tracking, and the only way to eliminate that risk entirely is to not carry a cell phone or to remove the battery.

When it comes to Internet communications, using encryption is the only way to defend against wiretapping, whether by the government or anyone else.

When it comes to pen/trap taps, on the other hand, most encryption products won't protect the types of information that the government can get. That information needs to be transmitted in the clear so computers can direct it to the proper recipient. Only anonymizing tools like Tor[создать] will protect you from traffic analysis via pen/trap tap.

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